Certified seed production information
Summary of Seed certification Process
Crops Typically Certified in Utah on a regular basis or varieties originating in Utah
- Alfalfa
- Deseret Alfalfa
- Other Proprietary and Public Varieties
- Barley
- Baldwin
- Goldeneye
- Millennuim
- Aquila
- Champion
- Lenetah
- Verdant
- Sprinter
- Forbs and Shrubs
- Shoshone Sainfoin
- Fernleaf Biscuitroot
- Yarrow
- Snowstorm Forage Kochia
- Immigrant Forage Kochia
- Grasses
- First Strike Slender Wheatgrass
- Rush Intermediate Wheatgrass
- Vavilov II Siberian Wheatgrass
- Bozoisky II Russian Wildrye
- Magnar Basin Wildrye
- UDWR Tetra Germplasm Basin Wildrye
- Roadcrest Crested Wheatgrass
- Little Sahara Germplasm Bottlebrush Squirreltail
- Oats
- Everleaf
- Monida
- Otana
- Potatoes
- Wheat
- Promontory
- Lucin CL
- Utah-100
- Greenville
- Curlew
- Brundage
- Skiles
- Other Proprietary and Public Varieties